I've been working as a professional graphic designer for over a decade in a variety of environments. I especially love branding and reinforcing brands with high quality design. I'm also a typography nerd who dabbles in illustration.

Lately my work has been exclusively in the advocacy space with clients in environmental issues, housing justice, and active transportation but I'm open to other fields and industries as long as they aren't fossil fuels. I'm a clean creative

I try to only work on projects that are both fun and important. Those are pretty subjective terms but if you have something that's boring and not important, find another designer. 

Got something fun and important for me to design? Get in touch and let's get to work!

Photo of Libby Lee-Egan with a "clean creatives" badge overlaid
Photo by Judah Rice judahricephoto.com + light retouching by Libby

freelance clients


Berkeley Democratic Club

East Bay for Everyone

North Berkeley Now!

East Bay Kidical Mass

Austin Urbanistas

Happy Path

Author AM LaMonte

Berkeley Citizens for Safe Streets

Lots of local pro-housing political candidates 


Bachelor of Fine Arts
Graphic Design

View my full resume

View a selection of my work

work history


libbyco, Berkeley
  founder, president, sole employee


Sierra Club, Oakland
    creative manager (most recent)
    senior web/graphic designer
    web/graphic designer


Mucca Design, New York
        graphic design intern

YIU Studio, Seattle
        graphic design intern

Otherwise Inc, Chicago
        graphic designer

Museum of Science & Industry, Chicago
        graphic designer

Contact Libby

Get yourself in my system by filling out the form below (or here). I will try to respond within 24 hours unless it's a weekend.